Chairperson of the National Council, Hon. Lukas Sinimbo Muha’s outreach programme continued on the 21st of February 2022, with the Presiding Officer paying a Courtesy visit to the Governor of the Kavango East region, Hon. Bonifatius Wakudumo were various developmental and socio-economic issues in the region were discussed. This was followed by a well-attended community meeting which was held at the Kavango East Regional Council Auditorium. The meeting saw community members raise a host of issues, including the bad conditions of the roads at the town and unemployment. Another meeting at the town followed at the Dr. Romanus Kampungu Secondary School Hall with learners from secondary schools in the Rundu circuit.
Hon. Muha and his delegation also held a community meeting at Ndiyona and later with learners of Ndiyona Secondary school, who welcomed him with song and dance, before proceeding to assess the incomplete clinic at Shamaturu. After Shamaturu, the Chairperson held a well-attended meeting with learners and community members of Shamunaro at the Shamunaro Primary School. While in the region, the Chairperson also paid courtesy calls to the Gcriku and Hambakushu Traditional Authorities as part of his custom when visiting communities across the country on his inaugural Regional Outreach Programme as Presiding Officer of National Council.
As a deliberate and strategic part of the programme, Hon. Muha stopped by key economic industry players in the Otjozondjupa and Kavango East regions while on the regional visits. In Otjozondjupa region, the Chairperson visited Cheetah Cement and B2Gold respectively while in Kavango East, various tours of the green schemes there were conducted. Hon. Lukas Muha assessed developments at Uuvhungu-vhungu, Mashare, Ndonga Linena and Shadikongoro green schemes. The purpose of the tours was for Hon. Muha to familiarize himself with the economic activities of the regions and gain better understanding of the various processes and challenges that are involved in agricultural and food production, diamond mining as well as cement production and the impact they have in the overall development of the regions and country as a whole. Regrettably, three out of the four the green schemes visited in the Kavango East regions were at a near halt of production due to various challenges such as the new procurement processes, lack of proper funding and worn-out equipment.
The two-week outreach engagement of the Chairperson of the National Council concluded in the Kavango East region on Saturday, 26 February, at Omega in the Mukwe Constituency. In addition to Kavango East and Otjozondjupa, a total of five regions have been visited thus far, including Zambezi, Oshikoto, Ohangwena and Kavango West regions.
The objective of the regional visits is to create awareness about the review and oversight role of the National Council; engage key stakeholders in the regions to increase public understanding of the House of Parliament; and improve the perception of the public on the work of the National Council and its Members. Chief amongst the information being shared, is the separation of powers as guaranteed in the constitution, that clearly outlines the three Organs of the State, namely, the Judiciary, the Executive, and the Legislature (generally referred to as Parliament) as well as the roles and functions of the latter in general and of the National Council as a House of Parliament in particular. In addition, the important component of public participation in the law-making process was also greatly expounded on. All in all, the engagements where productive and fruitful, and the communities visited were thankful to gain wider understanding of Parliament.