Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism


Member of Constituent Assembly (1989 – 1990); Member of National Assembly (1990 – 1995)

Legislative Profile Secretary General of Namibia Public Worker’s Union (NAPWU) 1986 – 2000; Member of parliament since 1995; Member of SWAPO Party Central Committee since 1997; Member of SWAPO Party Politiburo since 1997 – 2012; Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism 2000 – 2005; Deputy Minister of Labour and Social welfare 2005 – 2010; Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry 2010 – 2012; deputy Minister of Defence since 2012
Personal Born on 8 January 1947 at Etilyasa, Omusati Region
Education Etilyasa Combined School Grade 1 – 6 1960 -1967; Onangalo Junior Secondary School Grade 7 1968; Onakayale Boys School Grade 8 1969; Ongwediva Training College (today known as Valombola Training College) form 1: Motor Mechanic Training 1970 – 1971; Military Training in Tanzania & USSR 1974 – 1976; Certificate on Economic Liberation and Poverty alleviation at Australia Habitat Studies, India 2006; Certificate on Project Planning and Management at at Australia Habitat Studies, India 2008;
Career Worked at the farm in the Grootfontein District at Okamukaru area 1966; Worked at Ruacana Calluegue Canal 1971; Join SWAPO 1971; Teacher at Elondo West Combined School 1972 – 1973; Went to exile 1974; Imprisonment in Roben Island, South Africa , spent 8 years for 18 years 1978 – 1985;
Interests Labour Issues, Environmental issues, Political Issues and popular participation