Report on the Benchmarking Visit to Portfolio Counterpart Committe of Parliament of Zimbambwe
Hon. Katoma Report on Benchmarking visit to Zimbabwe
Hon. Katoma Report on Benchmarking visit to Zimbabwe
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Trade on the Waiving of Penalties and Additional Fees Accrued due to Non-Payment of Annual Duties for the Period from 2012 – 2022
Hon. Karupu’s Motivation on the Mid-Term Budget 2023/24
Mid Year budget review contribution by Hon M S Mbundu
Mid-Year budget review policy speech by Hon. Dr. Tobie Ocean Aupindi
Contribution by Hon. Hamata on the Appropriation Amendment Bill
Contribution on the second reading on the Appropriation Amendment by Hon. Hengari
Mid Year Budget Review by Hon Kalimbo Iipumbu
Ministerial statement by Hon. Lucia Iipumbu on the relief for Namibian