Functions of the Committee are to:

  1. consider any matter it deems relevant with regard to the O/M/As served, and all SOEs and Parastatals responsible for the categories of affairs which shall inter alias and may for that purpose consult and liaise with the relevant Institutions.
  2. Monitor, enquire into, and make recommendations to the Assembly on matters related to the provision of health and social services in Namibia.
  3. Monitor, enquire into, and make recommendations to the Assembly on matters related to the poverty eradication
  4. Address gender issues across party lines and promote gender equality to improve the status of women in Namibia
  5. Ensure that all legislation passed by the National Assembly embody the principle of equality between men and women
  6. Review all Bills and Acts that discriminate against women and children
  7. Monitor, enquire into and make recommendations to the National Assembly on matters that may affect the provision of affordable, sustainable and quality health services to Namibians
  8. Ensure that measures are instituted to counter major health risks, especially HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, etc.
  9. Ensure that the Government promotes and maintains a sustainable social welfare system for its citizens
  10. scrutinise and review the implementation of Bills and Acts that discriminate and negatively impact on the lives of women and children
  11. facilitate the implementation of recommendations reached at international fora on HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes, poverty reduction strategies and social development programmes such as gender equality, children’s rights and family values.
  12. Perform such other functions, tasks, and duties relating to Parliamentary supervision of such O/M/As or SOEs and Parastatals as may be prescribed by the Assembly or in terms of an Act of Parliament.
  • Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare
  • Ministry of Health and Social Services
  • Ministry of Poverty Eradication
  • Office of the Vice President: Disability Affairs

Deputy Director

+ 264 61 288 2609

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Chief Parliamentary Clerk

+264 61 288 2533

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Chief Parliamentary Clerk

+264 288 2375

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Chief Parliamentary Clerk

+264 61 288 2540

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Member of Parliament: Chief Whip

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Member of Parliament: National Assembly

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Member of Parliament: Chairperson of HR and Community Development Committee

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Member of Parliament: National Assembly

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Member of Parliament: National Assembly

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Member of Parliament: National Assembly

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Member of Parliament

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Member of Parliament: Chairperson of Gender Equality, Social Development & Family Affairs Committee

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Member of Parliament

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Member of Parliament: Chairperson of ICT and Innovations Committee

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Member of Parliament: National Assembly

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