1. to deal with questions falling within the ambit of Offices, Ministries, Agencies and Public Enterprises dealing with justice, international relations and cooperation, safety and security, veterans’ affairs and defence, constitutional and legal affairs;
  2.  to deal with matters of security, home affairs, human rights, constitutional and legal affairs;
  3.  to review international and regional cooperation agreements with regards to peace and security and advise the Council thereon;
  4. to review Namibia’s foreign policy and make its recommendations to the Council;
  5.  to promote compliance with the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the UN Bangkok Rules on the Treatment of Female Prisoners;
  6. to promote compliance with the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials;
  7. to ensure that all Bills tabled in the Council, are in compliance with the Constitution;
  8. to monitor budget implementation of Offices, Ministries and Agencies falling within the Standing Committee’s ambit;
  9. to monitor the implementation of the decentralization process on matters falling within the ambit of the Standing Committee; and
  10.  to perform any other function as may be referred to by the Council.

Wendy Kausiona

Bonifatius Amadhila

+264 61 202 8130
+264 61 202 8192
+264 81 122 2176
+264 81 696 1826

Member of Parliament: National Council

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Member of Parliament: National Council

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Member of Parliament: National Council

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Member of Parliament - National Council

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