The Committee has the duty to assist and act on matters referred to it by the House for scrutiny and to submit reports on:

  1. The accounts showing the appropriation of the sums granted by Parliament to meet public expenditure of the Republic;
  2. Such other accounts and any other matter or task as my be referred to the Committee by the House or under any other law;
  3. All reports of the Auditor General on any such accounts;
  4. All accounts and reports of accounts where the State has interests; and
  5. All State-Owned Enterprises and Parastatals.
  6. The Committee reports on its findings and makes its recommendations to the Assembly for consideration and debate.
  7. Upon adoption of the reports and recommendations by the Assembly, the Committee has a duty to report on the implementation of the recommendations as adopted.
Parliament of Namibia

Ms Lydia Kandetu (Secretary)

Mr John Shimaneni

Mr Simon Uirab (Scriba)

Ms Cornelia Tjaondjo (Scriba)

Ms Mr Pietie Husselmann

Mrs Kathleen-Joyce Nakutta

Mrs Hilia Amakali

Mr Vincent Sinalumbu

Mr Gideon Shuuya

Mr Herman Angala

Ms Priscilla Frederik (Scriba)

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