Revamped Parliament Website launched, 22 July 2021

Story by Paulina Ndalikokule Windhoek – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Prof. Peter Katjavivi launched the revamped Parliament website today. The revamping of the website was made possible through the assistance of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS). The renewed website that is now replete with many features including the livestream of parliament sessions…

49th SADCPF Plenary Assembly kicks off, 25 June 2021

Story by George Sanzila Windhoek – The 49th SADC-PF Plenary Assembly hosted virtually by Botswana, has just begun. The event is expected to be officially opened shortly by the president of Botswana , H.E. Dr. Mokgweetsi Masisi. The Plenary Assembly advises the SADC summit on matters of regional policy issues and promotes the objectives and…

Children parliamentarians debates Sustainable Development Goals

Story by Benisia Nghiivali and Paulina Ndalikokule Windhoek- The National Assembly, in collaboration with UNICEF, convened a special session for Members of the 5th Children’s Parliament on Friday, which provided crucial input and assessment of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Namibia. The session, which was attended virtually and in person by…

FES Country Representative pays courtesy call on Speaker

Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Prof Peter Katjavivi with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Country Representative in Namibia, Frey Gruenhagen Story by Rafael Hangula Windhoek – The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Country Representative in Namibia, Frey Gruenhagen paid a Courtesy Call on the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon Prof. Peter Katjavivi yesterday, (01/06/2021). Their discussion centered on several…

There is a need to narrow the gap between the electorate and the legislature-Speaker

Speaker of the National Assembly Hon Prof Peter Katjavivi, and the Head of EU delegation to Namibia, Sinikka Antila were amongst various stakeholders who attended the Visibility and Stakeholders Engagement event. Story By Rafael HangulaWINDHOEK– The Enhancing Participatory Democracy in Namibia (EPDN) Programme yesterday held a Visibility and Stakeholders Engagement workshop with key stakeholders at…

Deputy Speaker clarifies PAP chaos, 08 June 2021

Deputy Speaker, Hon. Loide Kasingo who led the Namibian Delegation to PAP addressing the media on commotion between regional blocks over leadership of the institution Story by George Sanzila Windhoek – Leader of the Namibian delegation to the Pan African Parliament (PAP), Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Loide Kasingo has clarified events that led…

National Council Chairperson Gets Covid-19 Vaccination

Hon. Lukas Muha receiving his Covid 19 vaccination Story by Pamela Mate Windhoek – National Council Chairperson, Hon. Lukas Muha received the first of two doses of the Sinopharm vaccine against Covid 19 at the Windhoek Central Hospital yesterday, 21 April 2021. Hon. Muha stated that as a leader, it is his responsibility to lead…

ECN presents Speaker with annual report and election assessment reports

Story by George Sanzila Windhoek – Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN), Advocate Notemba Tjipueja in the company of ECN Chief Electoral and Referenda officer, Theo Mujoro today (27/10/20) submitted the Commission’s annual report for 2018/19 to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Prof. Peter Katjavivi. The annual report contains the commission’s major…

Last Session of the Fifth National Council to Resume Next Week

Story by Pamela Mate The last session of the fifth National Council is set to resume next week Monday, 26 October 2020 until it is adjourned on Thursday, November 5, 2020. The fifth National Council was sworn-in following the November 2015 Regional Council and Local Authority Elections. The Regional Council and Local Authority Elections are…